Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania (MVIWATA)

National Organization United Republic Of Tanzania
MVIWATA, P.O.Box 3220, Morogoro, Tanzania
Foundation and nature of the organization
1 Jan 1993
Organizational membership
Individual farmer membership
Governance and structure
Strategic Plan
Sectors of intervention and activities
  • 1. Capacity-building and institutional support to members
  • 2. Policy engagement, lobbying and advocacy
  • 3. Provision of economic services
  • 4. Communication and knowledge management
Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Cabbages, Carrots, Cattle, Chickens, Cloves, Cocoa beans, cocoa, Coconuts, Ducks and/or geese, Fresh tomatoes, Garlic, Goat meat, Goats, Grapes, Honey, Maize, Mangoes, Millet, Mixed grains, Mushrooms, Oil palm fruit, Pigs, Pineapples, Rice, paddy rice, Sesame seed, sesame, Sheep, Sorghum, Tangerines, mandarins, clementines and satsumas, Tea, Wheat
Main sources of information, publications and knowledge products
Other informations
1 Jun 2020
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