Unión Nacional Agropecuaria de Productores Asociados (UNAPA)

National Organization Nicaragua
Managua rotonda metrocentro 1 cuadra al este
Foundation and nature of the organization
25 Jun 2004
Organizational membership
Individual farmer membership
Governance and structure
Strategic Plan
Sectors of intervention and activities
  • 1. Capacity-building and institutional support to members
  • 2. Policy engagement, lobbying and advocacy
  • 3. Provision of economic services
  • 4. Communication and knowledge management
  • 5. Other: Fomento a la Asociatividad, Desarrollo de la agricultura familiar, Fomento a la agroecología y juventud rural
Avocados, Bananas, Beehives, Carrots, Cassava, Chickens, Chillies and peppers, Cocoa beans, cocoa, Coffee, green coffee, Eggs, Fish, crustaceans and molluscs, Fresh tomatoes, Garlic, Green and/or dry onions, Honey, Lemons and/or limes, Mangoes, Meat of cattle, Meat of sheep, Oranges, Pigs, Pineapples, Plantains, Potatoes, Sheep, Tobacco, tobacco leaves, Watermelons and/or cantaloupes melons, Whole cow milk (fresh)
Other informations
4 Mar 2020
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